Conduct & Discipline

  • All the rules and regulation that are in force from time to time are binding upon the students + their parents. Ignorance of the prevailing rules and regulation will not be an excuse for lack of compliance.
  • Punctuality and regularity in attendance proper uniform, earnest efforts in home work assignment and polite behavior inside and outside the school are always insisted on and in all these matter the parents full cooperation is expected at all times .
  • Students must stand up smartly and greet teachers who enter the classroom .they must also stand when the teachers leaves the room. They must respectfully greet all staff members whenever they meet them, inside or outside the school.
  • Leave of absence must be applied for a day in advance, except in case of emergency leave will be granted on a written application but only for valid reason and signed by parents/guardian.
  • Minimum of 90% school attendance during the academics year is necessary for promotion to next class.
  • Students are responsible for the safety of their own books, pens, watches, Tiffin carriers or any other articles which they bring to school. The school is not responsible for the loss at any student’s possessions. It is therefore not advisable to bring valuable articles to school.
  • A student must not attend school in case of any infectious disease such as measles, chicken pox or small pox till the infection period is over.
  • Parents are welcome to visit the school and discuss any problems about their children with the teacher or the Principal, by prior appointment.
  • The School diary is a record of reference students must bring their diaries to school every day and parents should check and sign these diaries regularly, to keep in touch with what is being taught and the homework that is being assigned to the pupils.
  • Any damage to school property will not be condoned just as at home, in the school also, the students are expected to take care of the school property.
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