Diwali Celebrations
Diwali festival was celebrated in The Montessori School. Importance of the festival was explained to students. The festival spiritually signifies the victoy of light over darkness, Knowledge over ignorance, good over evil, and hope over despair children decorated diyas with colors and glitter. They also made lanterns. Resonating the fervour and spirit of the festival of Diwali , Morning assembly was conducted by the class – I Students. The green diwali is a way to celebrate the festival with minimum consequences to the environment class I students told us , how can this diwali be made Eco friendly.
Importance Of Diwali
- Use oil diyas or lamps intead of electric lights
- Make natural rangoli with organic colours
- Be smart with your home decore
- Ditch plastic for Packaging
- And the most important ‘ Say No to crackers ‘ or By green crackers , available only at places registered with the government. Also look for CSIR NEERI logo.
Everyone enjoyed the Diwali celebration whole heartedly.