Har Ghar Tiranga

The Montessori School organised a Prabhat Pheri on the 13th August morning as part of the Indian Govt’s “Har Ghar Tiranga Campaign” to mark our country’s 75th year of Independence (Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav). The intention being to make the people aware and acknowledge the supreme sacrifice of our martyrs and the great country that India is.

Students from classes IX – XII were choosen to represent the school and spread the message. They assembled in the school in the wee hours of the morning and were quite excited to hold the National Tricolour in their hands. Equipped with enthusiasm and patriotic fervour and proudly carrying banners and flags, one group marched towards the Ambedkar Chowk and the other headed to the Krishan Nagar Chowk. Throughout the way, the students sang various patriotic songs, hailing the mother land and raising slogans for the campaign ‘Har ghar Tiranga’.

The passerbys acknowledged the zeal and efforts of the children by singing along with them. Some even clicked pics and made videos of the enthusiastic children. After covering up the designated route, the students reached the school premises and joined in with the other activities marked to celebrate the momentous occasion.

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