Magic Show

The Montessori School leaves no stone unturned for the entertainment and enlightment of the students. On Tuesday, the 9th of May, a spellbinding magic show was organised in the school premises by the Red Cross Society for spreading the message of education of the underprivileged girls. The magician churned out one after another mesmerizing tricks which left the students in great awe. The show opened with a variety of amazing and unbelievable card and rope tricks. The magician asked two girls to volunteer for his funny and fascinating tricks to the children’s delight. Equally unbelievable was the transformation of a bird out of a ball, water out of the ear of one of the girls and money after money from the newspaper cones. As dishoom progress trust updated body playing crossed in the brilliant performances. But the wonder of the wonders was when the magician invited a teacher and trust a knife through her throat and yet Lo and behold!!! she was alive.
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