Mind War Quiz Competition

On 22nd August, 2022 a quiz was conducted by Mind Wars in The Montessori School premises. Mind Wars is the platform under which the famous media channel ZEE5 often conducts trivia based quizzes and Olympiads on curriculum, GK and Current Affairs. 100 students from classes VIth to Xth participated in the quiz.

The students were quite excited and eager to check the depth of their knowledge There was quite a bit of tension in the air. Last minute mugging was going on which is never enough. Loads of information was changing hands so that nothing is left unanswered.

The quiz was set for two rounds. For the Prelims round, all the 100 participants were given sheets of the questionnaire and 15 minutes to answer. The top 12 were selected for the 60 minutes long Final Round where the children were divided into four teams. Mr. Prashant, the quiz master, conducted the competition in a very fair, efficient and methodical manner challenging as well as channelising the cores of their know how’s in Gk, Current Affairs and their curriculum. He posed many googlies to the students making them dive deep into the recesses of the learnings, awareness and recollections. Of course the smart students defended each attack and earned well deserved points. The winning teams were –

1st – Team A – Pranav Negi(IX) & Arnav Singhal (VII)
2nd – Team D – Yuvraj Singh (IX) & Vedant Som( VII)
3rd – Team C – Saksham Maurya (X) & Parth Pal(VII)

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