National Sports Day

The school was abuzz with excitement and anticipation on 29th August, The National Sports Day, to commemorate the birth anniversary of India’s hockey legend Major Dhyan Chand as well as to honour nation’s sports heroes and our National Sports teams for upholding our great sporting traditions and bringing laurels to the country with their perseverance and dedication. Two friendly matches of basketball for boys and kho- kho for girls were scheduled to celebrate the day to raise awareness about the values of sports and to encourage public in large to take up sports and make it an integral part of their lives while emphasizing on the importance of being fit and healthy.

Since it was the first major sporting event after the school had opened up full fledgedly after the pandemic, everyone was on their toes wanting to be part of the moment. The PTI teacher Mr. Deepak Kumar officiated the games as the referee. For both games, Yellow house along with Red and Blue with Green house were clubbed together to make Team A and Team B respectively. The students were seated in the corridors from where they cheered enthusiastically savouring the tensions and palpitations offered by the twists and turns in the games. Each dunk in the basketball game created a frenzy among the spectators and was followed with loud cries of cheer and clappings. The girls showed how agility and presence of mind were the real game changers in Kho-kho.

Celebriting the cores of any game, the players displayed the true spirit of sportsmanship and played with great coordination and camaraderie. They set an example of how discipline and patience should also be part of any sports along with ferious competition and zeal to win. It was an event full day and successful in igniting the fire of imbibing sports among students.

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